ORASECOM will undertake a detailed assessment of the water resources quality state of the Orange Senqu River system in September / October/November 2010. This Joint Basin-wide Survey will provide the first broad understanding of the state of the aquatic ecosystems, Habitats, the presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants, and water quality at river sites throughout the Basin. The survey will learn from similar surveys conducted by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The proposed Orange-Senqu Joint Basin-wide Survey -1 (JBS-1) will set the baseline water resources quality for the system. The planning and execution of JBS-1 will be actively supported by all the Contracting Parties and the International Cooperating Partners (ICPs) i.e. UNDP-GEF, EU and GTZ(BMZ/UKaid). Two planning workshops have been held on the 24th of May 2010, and the 21st of September 2010, in Johannesburg, and Pretoria, South Africa, respectively. To view presentations made at these workshops click here.