First Delphi Workshop, June 2010, North West, South Africa
Following on from decisions made at the October 2009 and April 2010 meetings of Council, the Secretariat, with support from the EU, will be undertaking a series of workshops aimed at providing clarity on a number of issues relating to the role ORASECOM should play in the Basin. This process will provide greater clarity on the contributions the Basin Wide Planning process and the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and National Action Plans (NAPs) can make to realising regional and national developmental objectives. Three Delphi workshops are planned. The first was held on 7 and 8 June 2010, while a further two are planned for August and November 2010. These workshops will be attended by experts from the Contracting Parties, the Secretariat and the ICP Programme Managers.
For more information and photos on this workshop, please visit our 2nd newsletter.